Dr. Luise Borek


since 01/01/2025 Digital Humanities Officer at the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities
since 13/03/2024
(on leave in 2025)
Research Associate (PostDoc) at Technische Universität Darmstadt | Lead of the Digital Humanities subproject in the Akademienprojekt

“Historische Fremdsprachenlehrwerke digital. Sprachgeschichte, Sprachvorstellungen und Alltagskommunikation im Kontext der Mehrsprachigkeit im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit”

(long-term project of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Academy of Sciences Literature Mainz with locations in Berlin, Hamburg and Darmstadt)
March 2022 to September 2022 Professor for Digital Humanities at University of Graz, Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (substitute for Prof. Dr. Georg Vogeler)
2017-03/2024 Research Associate (PostDoc) at Technische Universität Darmstadt, German Medieval Studies and Computer Philology (Prof. Andrea Rapp)
March 2017 Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at Technische Universität Darmstadt. Dissertation title: “Arthurische Pferde als Bedeutungsträger. Eine Fallstudie zu ihrer digitalen Klassifizierung”(First reviewer: Prof. Dr. Andrea Rapp; Second reviewer: Prof. Dr. Gabriel Viehhauser)
January 2015 to August 2015 Interim Research Associate at the Department of Linguistics and Literature (maternity leave replacement)
2013-2017 Research Associate at Technische Universität Darmstadt in the project DARIAH-DE (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities)
2008-2012 Research Associate at the Technische Universität Darmstadt and the Competence Center for Electronic Publishing and Publication Sciences in the Humanities at the University of Trier (until the relocation of the project in May 2011)
Interdisciplinary research project (funded by the BMBF):
Interactions between methods, methods, and algorithms of Linguistics and Bioinformatics. Modeling and mapping of variance in language and genomes.
2008 Master (M.A.)
German Literature, German Linguistics, and English at the Technical University of Braunschweig.
Title of MA thesis: Inszenierung und Visualisierung von Sprache in Wolframs 'Willehalm'. (Prof. Dr. Behr)