Dr. Sabine Bartsch
Corpus- and Computational Linguistics, English Philology
work +49 6151 16-57390
fax +49 6151 16-57411
S3|13 230
Institute of Linguistics and Literary Studies
Residenzschloss 1
Management assistance
Heike Mantwill
+49 6151 16 57394
Consultation hours
Please use my weekly consultation hours to discuss term papers and theses or for other questions concerning your studies. Most questions are best discussed on a personal conversation rather than via e-mail.
My office hours are offered via Zoom. Please register via Moodle (see below) to select a time that suits you and to receive your Zoom access data. In-person consultations are also possible. Please get in touch if you would rather meet in person.
Note: Please register for a meeting time via my Moodle scheduler for consultation hours:
This scheduler course requires one-time self-registration, but then lets you choose a meeting time that suits your schedule.
… before inquiring by e-mail, please ask yourself whether it might not be better to ask your question face-to-face (online during the Pandemic) during the office hours. Experience shows that, although it might seem to take more time to attend an office hour, this usually leads to more efficient results than writing e-mails back and forth.
Thank you for your understanding.