Dr. Sabine Bartsch


Die folgende Seite informiert über Abschlussarbeiten bei Dr. Sabine Bartsch.

Ich prüfe und betreue Abschlussarbeiten in verschiedenen Studiengängen:

  • Bachelor or Arts Digital Philology
  • Joint Bachelor of Arts Anglistik
  • Joint Bachelor of Arts Digital Philology
  • Master of Arts Linguistic and Literary Computing
  • Master of Education Englisch
  • LaB Englisch (für das Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen gewerblich-technischer Fachrichtungen)
  • Anwendungsfächer in Master of Science-Studiengängen

Themengebiete für Abschlussarbeiten

Ich betreue Abschlussarbeiten in verschiedenen Gebieten der Linguistik.


Korpus- und Computerlinguistik

empirische Linguistik


  • Register linguistics
  • Lexis (multiword lexical units, collocations, idioms)
  • Grammar
  • Semantics (e.g. Frame Semantics)
  • Linguistic theory

Bitte besprechen Sie Ihre Pläne für eine von mir betreute Abschlussarbeit frühzeitig mit mir..

Sie finden nachfolgend eine Auswahl von mir betreuter Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten.

  • Lexical Cohesion in Margaret Thatcher's Rhetoric
    Caroline Katerina Iliadi (07.2016)
    Supervisor: Sabine Bartsch, Nicola Glaubitz
  • Standard English
    Hoang Hoa Mi Nguyen (06.2016)
    Supervisor: Sabine Bartsch, Nicola Glaubitz
  • A Theoretical Approach to Language Acquisition Theories
    Elena Gontscharow (03.2016; WS 2015-16)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Martha Gibson
  • „A Comparison of Old English and Present Day English: An Analysis of Old English and Present Day English with Particular Emphasis on Grammar“
    Nazli Bay (10.2015; SS 2015)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Nicola Glaubitz
  • American Speeches: A Linguistic Analysis
    Kimberly Denninger (04.2014; WS 2014-15)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Nicola Glaubitz
  • Youth language in the United Kingdom
    Anja Greiner (11.2014; WS 2014-15)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Nicola Glaubitz
  • Gender specific language use
    Anna Pohlmann (03.2014)
  • Child bilingualism
    Aneela Chaudhary (02.2014)
  • Comparison of Commercial Translation Memory Systems to Freeware Translation Memory Systems
    Lisa Höfling (06.2013)
  • Collocations in the Bermuda Triangle: A Corpus Study on Caribbean and South Pacific New Englishes
    Franz-Xaver Ott (09.2012)
  • Systemic Functional Linguistics: Register Theory
    Laura Woll (08.2012)
  • Political Rhetoric of the War on Terror. A corpus-based approach
    Claudia Dudziak (09.2011)
  • Register Analysis of Political Speeches in Russian and English
    Svetlana Podsokhina (07.2010)
  • Varieties of English – World Englishes
    Lisa Rathgeber (01.2010)
  • The language of advertisements. A corpus-based study of multimodal cosmetics advertisements
    Veronika Körkel (09.2010)

  • Die konzeptionelle Mündlichkeit von Weblogs
    Silke Kalmer (09.2018)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • A multi-knowledge opinion mining framework
    Lorenz Hupfeld (08.2018)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Lorenz Hupfeld
  • Methods of corpus linguistics for language teaching
    Anna Batsenkova (07.2018)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • Bürgerbeiträge richtig einordnen – Automatisierte Analyse von textbasierten Anliegen am Beispiel Mängelmelder
    Lena Bernert (06.2018)
  • Stylometric Analyses of Written, Spoken and Internet Language – Comparison, Differentiation and Separability
    Anna Brandt (02.2018)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • Zwischen Recht und Literatur: Fallgeschichten des Neuen Pitaval (1842–1854) in der literaturwissenschaftlichen Korpusanalyse
    Constanze Hahn (03.2018)
    Supervisors: Thomas Weitin, Sabine Bartsch
  • Using Topic Modelling for Corpus Exploration: Analyzing Private Correspondence
    Melanie Berger (12.2017)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • Opinion Mining in Nachrichtentexten. Konzeption und Umsetzung eines Vorgehensmodells
    Inna Vogel (08.2017)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • Feature selection for sentiment analysis – Supervised machine learning of English movie reviews
    Yuening Zhao (07.2017)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • Herausforderungen bei der Testbarkeit von Natürlichsprachlichkeit in Sprachdialogsystemen
    Elisa Starke (07.2017)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Gereon Ullmann (P3 Systems)
  • Metaphor as a Linguistic Interface Phenomenon – Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Metaphor Identification and Interpretation
    Nicole Fuchs (01.2017)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • Is there such a thing as the linguistic fingerprint? Automated authorship recognition in academic papers
    Katja Miho (12.2016)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • Automatic generation of English language exercises for Russian native speakers
    Elizaveta Koziolova (07.2016)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Marcus Müller
  • Integration of German Easy Language into Technical Manuals
    Lisa Angelika Scharrer (03.2016; WS 2015-16)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • A History of Topic Modelling
    Christopher Tauchmann (04.2016; WS 2015-16)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • Use of NLTK and WordNet for the Analysis of English Words and Phrases
    Xiaozhou Yu (09.2015; SS 2015)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • SemRelData. Multilingual contextual annotation and analysis of semantic relations between nominals
    Darina Benikova (07.2015; SS 2015)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • Studie zur Erstellung und Analyse eines Metadatenkonzepts am Beispiel von Wissenschaftstexten
    Leonie Blumenschein (03.2015; WS 2014-15)
    Supervisors: Andrea Rapp, Sabine Bartsch
  • By the looks of it – An analysis of text representation from literature to source code
    Antoine McCracken (03.2015; WS 2014-15)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • Textoptimierung im semantischen Web
    Ianina Melnikova (03.2015; WS 2014-15)
    Supervisors: Andrea Rapp, Sabine Bartsch
  • XML Kodierung in der Editionsphilologie
    Nadezhda Petrova (04.2014)
    Supervisors: Andrea Rapp, Sabine Bartsch
  • Individual Differences of Motivation, Aptitude and Age as Factors in Learning English as a Foreign Language: A Study
    Christoph Kaiser (03.2014)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Martha Gibson
  • Eigennamenerkennung und -klassifikation im Deutschen. Eine Evaluation unterschiedlicher Ansätze
    Fenja Kastendiek (02.2014)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Stefan Evert
  • Opinion Mining: Linguistic Analysis of Opinions in Web Texts
    Livia Weber (01.2014)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Stefan Evert
  • Topic Modelling / Literary Texts
    Natali Karlova (03.2012)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Chris Biemann
  • Lexicon acquisition / acquisition of metaphors: How do children acquire metaphorical and idiomatic concepts? An explanatory approach
    Anna-Maria Morweiser, Master of Education English (05.2011)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Julika Griem
  • Evaluation in Academic Research Articles across Scientific Disciplines. A corpusbased approach
    Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb (12.2010)
    Supervisors: Elke Teich, Sabine Bartsch
  • An Approach to Automatic Theme Annotation
    Lara Schwarz (03.2008)
    Supervisors: Elke Teich, Sabine Bartsch
  • A Theoretical Approach to Language Acquisition Theories
    Elena Gontscharow (03.2016; WS 2015-16)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Martha Gibson
  • „A Comparison of Old English and Present Day English: An Analysis of Old English and Present Day English with Particular Emphasis on Grammar“
    Nazli Bay (10.2015; SS 2015)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Nicola Glaubitz
  • „Alice with a Porpoise: On the function of key episodes of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking Glass and what Alice found there (1871) in Walt Disney’s and Tim Burton’s movie adaptations of Alice in Wonderland (1951/2010)“
    Silja Glitscher (09.2015; SS 2015)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • Red Riding Hood in „Jin Roh“ and "Schindler’s List“
    Katharina Anna Kummer (08.2015; SS 2015)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • ‚Listening Between the Lines‘: The Motif of Music in Nick Hornby’s Novels
    Irvina Udyakisya Freisleben (08.2015; SS 2015)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • Breaking Boundaries: Autobiography as Identity Formation of the Chinese American Woman Warrior
    Mónika Reyes (07.2015; SS 2015)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • How Literary Celebrities Create Cultural Capital While Using New Media
    Lea Haller (07.2015; SS 2015)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • From Utopia to Dystopia – the Development of a Genre (More, Orwell, Collins)
    Melanie Kleinschmidt (06.2015; SS 2015)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • Aesthetics of Urbanity: Its Function in City-centric Comic Narration and Intermedia Portrayal
    Kim Elena Friedrich (06.2015; SS 2015)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • Paradoxes of subjectivity in cyberpunk and postmodern science fiction literature
    Marvin Kolb (06.2015; SS 2015)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • The Sexuality of Sherlock Holmes. How Sherlock’s sexuality is defined in adaptations of and in Doyle’s canon stories
    Laura Albers (06.2015; SS 2015)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • The Ideal of Love in “Pride and Prejudice” and “Wuthering Heights”
    Julia Krsnic (04.2015; SS 2015)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • American Speeches: A Linguistic Analysis
    Kimberly Denninger (04.2014; WS 2014-15)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Nicola Glaubitz
  • The role of Christianity as a literary theme in C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia and J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings
    Don Christopher Campos (04.2015; WS 2014-15)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • Childrens‘ Literature: Mediating Values. Selected Examples of Childrens‘ Literature from Fantastic Literature
    Christina Meffert (03.2015; WS 2014-15)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • Finding Balance. D.H. Lawrence on Nature, Class and Women
    Franziska Hickl (03.2015; WS 2014-15)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • There is a poison in my blood.‘ Embodied Concepts of Disease in Bram Stoker’s Dracula
    Stella Koller (02.2015; WS 2014-15)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • Youth language in the United Kingdom
    Anja Greiner (11.2014; WS 2014-15)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Nicola Glaubitz
  • Freaked out biography or central link? Metafiction in Stephen King’s The Dark Tower
    Andreas Zipprich (10.2014; WS 2014-15)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • Peter Pan and the Idea of Growing Up
    Asli Pinar Thornley (10.2014; SS2014)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • Changing Gender Relations in Two Novels by D.H. Lawrence and Ford Madox Ford
    Janina Anita Jura (06.2014; SS 2014)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • Looking Behind the Veil: More than Young Adult Fiction? J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series
    Marco Ruota (06.2014; SS 2014)
    Supervisors: Nicola Glaubitz, Sabine Bartsch
  • „Stylometric Analyses of Written, Spoken and Internet Language – Comparison, Differentiation and Separability“
    Anna Brandt (02.2018; WS 2017-18)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • „Zwischen Recht und Literatur: Fallgeschichten des Neuen Pitaval (1842–1854) in der literaturwissenschaftlichen Korpusanalyse“
    Constanze Hahn (02.2018; WS 2017-18)
    Supervisors: Thomas Weitin, Sabine Bartsch
  • „Using Topic Modelling for Corpus Exploration: Analyzing Private Correspondence“
    Melanie Berger (12.2017, WS 2017-18)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • „Herausforderungen bei der Testbarkeit von Natürlichsprachlichkeit in Sprachdialogsystemen“
    Elisa Starke (07.2017; SS 2017)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • Integration of German Easy Language into Technical Manuals
    Lisa Angelika Scharrer (03.2016; WS 2015-16)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • A History of Topic Modelling
    Christopher Tauchmann (04.2016; WS 2015-16)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • Use of NLTK and WordNet for the Analysis of English Words and Phrases
    Xiaozhou Yu (09.2015; SS 2015)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • SemRelData. Multilingual contextual annotation and analysis of semantic relations between nominals
    Darina Benikova (07.2015; SS 2015)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • Studie zur Erstellung und Analyse eines Metadatenkonzepts am Beispiel von Wissenschaftstexten
    Leonie Blumenschein (03.2015; WS 2014-15)
    Supervisors: Andrea Rapp, Sabine Bartsch
  • By the looks of it – An analysis of text representation from literature to source code
    Antoine McCracken (03.2015; WS 2014-15)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Andrea Rapp
  • Textoptimierung im semantischen Web
    Ianina Melnokova (03.2015; WS 2014-15)
    Supervisors: Andrea Rapp, Sabine Bartsch
  • XML Kodierung in der Editionsphilologie
    Nadezhda Petrova (04.2014)
    Supervisors: Andrea Rapp, Sabine Bartsch
  • Individual Differences of Motivation, Aptitude and Age as Factors in Learning English as a Foreign Language: A Study
    Christoph Kaiser (03.2014)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Martha Gibson
  • Eigennamenerkennung und -klassifikation im Deutschen. Eine Evaluation unterschiedlicher Ansätze
    Fenja Kastendiek (02.2014)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Stefan Evert
  • Opinion Mining: Linguistic Analysis of Opinions in Web Texts
    Livia Weber (01.2014)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Stefan Evert
  • Topic Modelling / Literary Texts
    Natali Karlova (03.2012)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Chris Biemann
  • Lexicon acquisition / acquisition of metaphors: How do children acquire metaphorical and idiomatic concepts? An explanatory approach
    Anna-Maria Morweiser (05.2011)
    Supervisors: Sabine Bartsch, Julika Griem
  • Evaluation in Academic Research Articles across Scientific Disciplines. A corpusbased approach
    Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb (12.2010)
    Supervisors: Elke Teich, Sabine Bartsch
  • An Approach to Automatic Theme Annotation
    Lara Schwarz (03.2008)
    Supervisors: Elke Teich, Sabine Bartsch