
Florian Ostertag

Study Coordinator / Study Guidance


work +49 6151 16-57421

Work S3|13 220
Institute of Linguistics and Literary Studies
Residenzschloss 1
64283 Darmstadt

Student Advisory Service | Office hours

My next office hours will be in mid-August. Details will be posted here.

Students of my courses can use the office hours of the Student Advisory Service as consultation hours. Further appointments and counselling by phone and video call are available by appointment via email.

Please note: I am only available by phone during my office hours. Please send an e-mail for all concerns outside my office hours.

I teach in Praxisphase III as well as in medieval studies. You can find the dates in TUCaN, the associated material in the corresponding Moodle courses.

About Praxisphase III (formerly Schulpraktische Studien II):

You start with the preparatory seminar “Vorbereitung”. In the same semester, you register for the “Durchfürhung” and independently organise a placement during the lecture-free period. Please apply to schools early in the semester. The evaluation seminar (“Auswertung”) takes place in the following semester. If the seminar is fully booked, please contact me. You will receive further information in the respective courses.